JOLIET, Ill. – Malik Elzy couldn’t stay for the food at Notre Dame’s July 27 “Grill and Chill” event, but he didn’t need to.
The 2023 four-star Chicago Simeon wide receiver learned plenty about Notre Dame’s opportunities, football program and the coaching staff anyway. He met receivers coach Del Alexander and offensive coordinator Tommy Rees, his primary recruiters at Notre Dame. He met other Irish recruits. He toured the facilities.
It all left a strong impression.
“Notre Dame has a beautiful campus and it’s a beautiful school,” Elzy said. “The coaches, they’re down to earth. Coach Del, he’s cool.”
One appealing aspect of Notre Dame to Elzy, though, had nothing to do with what happened once he arrived. Rather, it caught his attention before he even got to campus. When he left to go on the visit, he learned South Bend was only about 90 minutes from his Chicago home. He expected a much longer drive.
“That plays a big part, being close so my family can watch me play games,” Elzy said.