Published Apr 13, 2019
Rivals250 Safety Makari Paige Hoping To Visit Notre Dame Again
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David McKinney  •  InsideNDSports
Recruiting Reporter

Over the last few cycles, there’s been no shortage of interest in Notre Dame from top safeties across the country.

The class of 2020 is no different.

West Bloomfield (Mich.) High four-star safety Makari Paige is talking frequently with Notre Dame and is looking to return to campus soon.

“Things are good,” Paige said of his relationship with Notre Dame. “They’re contacting me weekly, so it’s going good.”

Paige said he’s intrigued by what Notre Dame has to offer, on and off the field.

“It’s a good tradition,” Paige explained. “I like the culture there and how hard they work.”

The Rivals250 prospect knows a bit about Notre Dame, but said he wants to make another visit to South Bend to learn more, specifically about how the program operates on a daily basis.

“I haven’t seen a practice or anything like that,” Paige said. “I want to see how they go about that, how they coach and stuff like that. I know about the education part already.”

Both cornerbacks coach Todd Lyght and safeties coach Terry Joseph have been contacting Paige, with Joseph leading the way.

Paige said he’s enjoyed getting to know Joseph so far, and is looking forward to growing a relationship with him.

“He’s a good person,” Paige said. “He’s a good dude. We’ll stay in touch and our relationship will get better.”

Rivals ranks Paige as the No. 240 overall player in the class of 2020, and his offer list reflects the lofty ranking.

Programs like Michigan, Michigan State, Ohio State, Penn State, Wisconsin, Washington State, West Virginia and several others have extended offers to Paige.

As his recruitment continues, Paige said he’ll simply be looking for a place that feels like home.

“Just somewhere I fit,” Paige said. “And where I can be developed the most.”

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