insider Mike Singer opens up the mailbag and takes Notre Dame recruiting questions from Fighting Irish fans.
Singer gives his thoughts on recruiting momentum after the Irish defeated Clemson, Notre Dame 2022 quarterback recruiting and much more.
How much Recruiting momentum can the win over Clemson have on the 2021/2022 classes? Are there going to be kids that look at ND that weren't prior? – irishjay
I don’t think Notre Dame beating Clemson will be the determining factor for any kids who choose the Irish, but it can only help. Now granted, if there were recruits in Notre Dame Stadium for the game, then an atmosphere such as that could really get a kid amped up and create enough emotion for them to want to choose the Fighting Irish.
Nashville (Tenn.) Christ Presybterian Academy class of 2022 linebacker Langston Patterson was in the stands for the game because his brother plays for Clemson. He raved about his time at Notre Dame, and his visit experience – despite it being a dead period – could go a long way for him to pick the Irish. The same goes for Honolulu Punahou class of 2021 linebacker Kahanu Kia, who was in South Bend last weekend as well. Just being in town during the game was a unique experience for him.
As for your second question, my answer is yes, but temper your expectations. In the 2021 class, there’s not going to be any recruits that all of the sudden want to come to Notre Dame just based on that game. But again, it can only help and is a recruiting pitch for the staff. It can really help kickstart relationships with some 2022 recruits though who are early in their process and want to learn more about Notre Dame.