Published Feb 4, 2020
Notre Dame Hopes To Get Talented Georgia DE On Campus
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Mike Singer  •  InsideNDSports
Recruiting Insider

The recruiting process has been kind to Douglasville (Ga.) Douglas County class of 2021 defensive end Joshua Robinson. He picked up several new offers during the January contact period as schools show increased interest in him.

"It's been a lot," Robinson said. "A lot of coaches have been texting and a lot of new offers."

Notre Dame is one of Robinson's biggest scholarship offers. Notre Dame defensive line coach Mike Elston made a few stops in the Peach State in January and checked in at Douglas County.


"One of their coaches followed me on Twitter, but I wasn't really expecting anything," Robinson said. "So yeah, the offer came out of nowhere. I was happy that they offered me. I didn't even know that they knew me."

Robinson had a positive first conversation with Elston in which he received the Fighting Irish offer.

"He talked about how he wants to see me up there and all of these dates I can come to," recalled Robinson. "He's a cool guy. He knows what he's doing. If I make it up there, he said he'll talk to me about schemes."

The 6-4, 225-pounder doesn't know a whole lot about Notre Dame outside the fact that the Irish are independent. A visit would be crucial to Notre Dame's chances in his recruitment, and a trip to South Bend is being discussed with his mother.

One thing is for certain: Notre Dame has as good of a shot in his recruitment as anyone does at this point.

"I don't know where I'm going; I'm wide open," he said. "No one is late."

As a young man who values education, Notre Dame's academics interest him.

"I really like history," he said. "I was thinking about getting into law but I'm not sure yet."

Robinson added that proximity to home won't play a major factor in his recruitment.

"It doesn't really matter to me," Robinson noted. "It's cold everywhere so it doesn't really matter."

Rivals ranks Robinson as the No. 34 prospect in Georgia and No. 18 weak side defensive end nationally.


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