Published Jun 30, 2022
Green jerseys will be back for 'Irish Wear Green' game vs. Cal
Inside ND Sports
Staff Report

Getting Notre Dame fans to color coordinate at home football games over the years hasn’t exactly been a strength of the fan base, with rare excpeption.

It hasn’t often been a strength of the organizers of past “green-outs” either.

Often they were scheduled deep enough into the season that they became coat-outs because of the weather.

This season the home team on the field will lend a hand in making color coordination a thing.

Notre Dame first-year head football coach Marcus Freeman announced on Thursday that the Sept. 17 Irish home game with Cal — presumably in good weather — as “Irish Wear Green” day. In this instance, it will be a day the fans are expected to wear green AND the football team, too.

So green jerseys are back in style.

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Notre Dame football sports information put out an amusing video of Freeman reading mean tweets of fans critiquing the way that the fans have worn green, but the team hasn’t in the past.

In collaboration with this announcement, there have been a limited number of tickets released for sale in advance. The offer ends Wednesday, July 6.

All other single-game tickets for Notre Dame home games will go on sale July 28 at 6 p.m. EDT. Shamrock Series tickets for the BYU game in Las Vegas Oct. 8 will not be available to the general public.

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